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Control your subconscious mind power authority

Guidance and direction on the mind authority control or the mind power.
Learn how to control the subconscious mind power to boost or enhance your life, change your habits, achieve success and use the internal powers each and everyone possesses.

"Our life is the creation of our mind"
- Buddha
"The mind is just like a muscle- the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand"
- Idowu Koyenikan

how to Control mind, mind control techniques, power of subconscious mind

How human mind works?

What I feel is that it all begins from the childhood of any human being. It depends on the atmosphere where an individual is living in, but it doesn't mean that a child born in a poor family would think like a poor and will remain poor and the child born in a rich family would be intelligent and will remain rich.
It's not like that, it all depends on the mindset, thinking, the behavior of the surrounding with which the child is living until his/her mind is developed at a certain age, poverty or richness doesn't matter. So the mind works on what it has gone through.

How to use mind power authority

As the individual grows, the mind experiences different types of behaviors or different point of views on every single thing, It can be on education-related, financial matter, family or friends related, relationship related matter or there is a long list of these. So all these depend on, which type of people are you spending the most of your time (surrounding). There is also one saying that "you are the average of five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn (Including yourself).

How people around you can affect your mind
What I have experienced is, the type of people you interact with influences 1) your consciousness level 2) your beliefs and interest in a particular field.
There are two points that diagnose how much of your thoughts and actions are influenced by the people around you. The first is your consciousness and resilience as an individual. The second is the collective sum of consciousness of your surrounding. These combine to impact how your mind works and who you become.
 You are the most conscious and smartest individual but if you are constantly surrounded by negative, poor mentality and fear based people in your life, will impact who you eventually become and progression in life. If you are heavily grounded, there may be a limited downside that your negative friends can bring you. However, you also get a limited upside as you are spending time with people who hold you back rather than people who can be elevating you.

Shape your life by choosing who you are with most of the time
By choosing with whom you spend time, you literally shape your future. Start by examining the mindset of the people you spend the most time around. Consider if these people are enabling you towards your envisioned self if they do not identify them and increase contact with the people who will enable you to become the best person you can be.

So understand the power of your inner vision and control your mind authority to take right decisions.
If you follow the above things you will develop your imagination, the power of inner vision, have control on mind power authority which will be very useful to you in many situations. You might also be surprised to discover that what you see in your mind, in your inner vision comes true in real life.


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